Amsterdam University of the Arts (AHK)


At the Amsterdam University of the Arts (AHK), we are committed to research in the arts with an innovative capacity, both artistically and socially. That is why we work with a joint research profile: ‘Engagement through critical creative practice’. The AHK Research Centre is a link between our research groups and enables researchers to share their expertise and to introduce their research to the world. Innovation and experiments challenge students to look beyond borders and take new paths. More about: the Marineterrein, Artist in Residence (AiR) and Entrepreneurship.


Applying for a AUAS PD programme

The institute should give information on possibilities of applying for a PD. Who can apply, how and who is the contactperson to call or mail. Are there specific professors or research groups involved? Is there a preparation programme or an honors programme that one could apply for? Are there possibilities for master students, for external candidates?

Business opportunities

What about external parties that want to be involved in a PD and also have possibilities of co-financing the project?

Other related things

Specific issues for this institute


(the person in this institute to call or mail)



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