Avans Creative Innovation


The Master Institute of Visual Cultures sets out to widen the debate on where we can take arts education and establishes further the impetus for developing an arts research culture.

The institution plays a vital role in generating new ways of thinking and innovative creative practice, empowering our learning community, both students and tutors alike, towards excellence through artistic practice, research, scholarship and knowledge exchange.

Our distinct master pathways of study in art and design, facilitate political and socio-economic key issues. Our programmes address urgent global challenges of the twenty-first century, connecting to six thematic currents in the field:

* Migrant Aesthetics

* Heterodox Identities

* Economics of production

* Emerging technologies

* Ecological Degradation

* Creative Industries



Applying for an Avans UAS PD programme

The institute should give information on possibilities of applying for a PD. Who can apply, how and who is the contactperson to call or mail. Are there specific professors or research groups involved? Is there a preparation programme or an honors programme that one could apply for? Are there possibilities for master students, for external candidates?

Business opportunities

What about external parties that want to be involved in a PD and also have possibilities of co-financing the project?

Other related things

Specific issues for this institute


(the person in this institute to call or mail)

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