Zuyd University of Applied Sciences


Zuyd is an ambitious university of applied sciences located in the heart of Europe, focusing on three core activities: education for students, research for companies and institutes, and training courses and study programmes for professionals. The various study programmes that we offer have ranked among the top in study programme selection guides for many years. This is partly due to the personal attention we devote to our students and our relatively small scale. In addition, we work intensively with companies, institutions/knowledge institutions, and government bodies across the boundaries of our fields of expertise. We do so because we are convinced that the 21st century is not just about knowledge, but also about the ability to apply that knowledge in practice. With 14,600 students, 34 bachelor’s, 9 master’s, 3 associate degree and 1 prebachelor programme, 12 sites in three cities, 29 research centres, an average of 7,000 internships and 2,500 graduation projects per year, and with a history stretching back more than 100 years, Zuyd is strongly anchored in Limburg and the Euregio Meuse-Rhine. We make an important contribution to the economic and social development agenda of this region.

Applying for a Zuid PD programme

The institute should give information on possibilities of applying for a PD. Who can apply, how and who is the contactperson to call or mail. Are there specific professors or research groups involved? Is there a preparation programme or an honors programme that one could apply for? Are there possibilities for master students, for external candidates?

Business opportunities

What about external parties that want to be involved in a PD and also have possibilities of co-financing the project?

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(the person in this institute to call or mail)

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